Wednesday, February 15, 2012


I did 30 days of clean.
Spick-n-span kinda clean.
Gallon+ water-per-day clean.
No-red-meat clean.
Drinkin-down-a-blender-full-o'-veggies kinda clean.
I committed to 30 days of clean using the principles of the Transitions Lifestyle System
My Results: Down 10lbs.  Down 4% Body fat.

And might I add, I'm thrilled that my AWESOME wife was along for the ride and was incredibly supportive.  I remember as a teenager, just starting out with powerlifting, realizing the body's ability to transform, sculpt, and change by choosing different movements and different foods.  The choice of foods is about viewing food as fuel for your body.  A fried of mine, Danny Aguirre (RAW United Powerlifter/Nutritional Educator) says, "It really comes down to '[people] eat what they want, not what they need.'"   It is possible to change your body.  There is no un-lucky star, there also isn't a magic pill. 

Be coachable. 
Be committed. 
You can do it! 
Make the commitment!

Here is some feedback from some folks that did. 
     Mike LaRe - Fort Myers, FL
      For years I tried to crack the code to controlling my consistent weight gain and loss of good health. It wasn't until the third week of the TLS system that I realized just how bad of shape I was in; both mentally and physically. Years spent thinking the food being placed into my body was good, pretty much every part of my routine was well below par and I had no idea.
    Through TLS and particularly the pivotal coaching and assistance from Ron and Rhiannon, this average guy was able to drop weight fairly easily and consistently and just as importantly, learn how to eat properly. Their tools have given me the ability to recognize, once and for all, what is good and what is not. I can say this because it worked and there were no magic pills, no starvation, nothing short term. Everything taught is now part of my life and these lessons will carry with me always.
     Thank you both and appreciate everything you have done.

     Pat Thomas - Poland, OH
     2/3/12 - via text
     Saw my doctor last Friday and had my bloodwork done on Tuesday.  My A1c went from 13.8 to 8.2, my cholesterol went from 485 to 120 , my triglycerides went t from 1294 to 220.  I am stopping Byetta injections this week to see if I can just use metforman and keep my blood sugar down where it is.  Then if that works over a few weeks I will cut my metforman in half.  So far I am thrilled and my doc is too.  I actually like working out.

Monday, February 6, 2012

How to take the Challenge out of the 30-day Challenge!

As the Kari Kardio 30 Day Challenge winds down, I'm sure we've all been on and off the scales, pondering how sweating could mysteriously cause weight gain, and wondering why we weren't programmed with an intuitive understanding of what our bodies require us to eat to lose body fat.

So what challenges have you faced?   My struggles included  family in town, road trip, plane trip (even though I never actually boarded a plane), rugby match (beer is usually mandatory), Super Bowl, sunset toasts, not to mention the stress that comes with day to day living.

So did you draw a hard line and take no prisoners?
Maybe you were a proper mediator and found an appropriate compromise?
Or you gave your self a "day off" to "splurge" with the promise of perfection in the following days.

Whatever you did, please take a minute, and realize that no matter how you did, or what you did or didn't do, you are IN THE GAME!  And that is the most important thing!

So recognize that it is a misnomer to call it a Challenge.  Think of it as more of a "wellness binge" or a "veggie bender", pat yourself on the back, and be so proud of your accomplishments and achievements as your own personal victories.

Win or lose.

Be happy.

That's all there is.

"It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, because there is no effort without error or shortcoming, but who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself for a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat."
Theodore Roosevelt, 1910

Friday, January 20, 2012

Be Prepared.

I feel like I lived a slice of movie greatness yesterday for those of you that have seen Planes, Trains, &nAutomobiles.  Flight was scheduled to depart Punta Gorda Regional Airport yesterday at noon. Significantly abbreviated version -  mechanical problems -rescue plane called in - 5 hours later, the "rescue plane" is still not even on it's way to us.  Them using the word "rescue" felt like calling 911 and hearing," Yes, so you're injured and stranded; you will be "rescued" in 7 hours by a paramedic that is unreliable and off-duty."

So, I'm in a small regional airport, cafe is closed.  So I decided I was going to be determined to make the best choices possible.  There is a snack bar, and the nearest restaurant/grocery store is a 30 minutes and a $50 cab ride away. I thought I was prepared with my 2 hard boiled eggs and  sliced veggies. As it turns out, what was my lunch, and I was not prepared at all with an emergency food source!  Yes, I was UNPREPARED to travel.  
I found myself brushing salt off of snack pack cashews, and peeling the deli turkey off of the pre-made sandwiches, and rationing protein bars.  There wasn't a vegetable to be found.   The airline was nice enough to bring in Pizza Hut pizzas.  All you can eat, mind you.   Temptation!  TEMPTATION!   So NOW I'm sitting in a small terminal, like "don't bother to speak into the tinny microphone" small, smelling pizza and watching other "rescue plane" hostages enjoy drinks and free food, my stomach is doing circles from eating 3 protein bars that contained sugar alcohols (good for keeping blood sugars in check, bad for a digestive system).  It actually said on the label to please consume 8oz of water with this bar in order to avoid intestinal discomfort.  I drank 30 oz of water per bar, and still, predictably, satisfied their prediction of discomfort. 
Another abbreviated part - I got a refund on the flight - I learned to be prepared.  

Emergency snack ideas to have in a briefcase, glove box, carry-on bag, purse, pocket, refrigerator, road trip bag (ever tried to find a healthy snack in a gas station?! - YIKES) or desk drawer:

Nuts (raw, unsalted)
Apple.  Yes, nature's simplest, ready made, prepacked no-heart-attack snack. 
Dried Fruits (no sugar added) - Prunes, rasins, apricots
Sliced Bell Peppers and Carrots (pallatable at room temp, will last a few hours unrefrigerated)
Protein Powder as you can usually find a cup and some water (low sugar/high fiber- no crazy stimulants - like this Protein Powder)

So yes, it may take some getting used to; this idea of having food on you at all times, but if you want there results, and you want the body, and you never want to find yourself in a situation where you're only option is to forsake your healthy body, then be prepared, be the winner, be strong and make the decision that is best for your body.  


Monday, January 16, 2012

You can have a map and a compass, but if you don't know where you're starting from, you're still lost.

Well, sobering indeed.
22% Body Fat and 209 lbs.

A mentor once told me, "you can have a map and a compass, but if you don't know where you're starting from, you're still lost." My point is, you gotta know the starting point!! Kari did say "the scale is reading high." I'm sure it isn't but I'm grateful to Kari for offering up such an instant and obvious solution. Haha!

So, I begin. My long term goal is to be:
Goal is 195 lbs and 12% Body Fat.
30 day goal? To see how dynamically I can change my body in 30 days.

Potential Challenges:
-daily logging of food into my website log.
-daily exercise (goal is 6 days per week- I usually get 4)
-Pre-Packing enough veggies for those days when I'm not close to home.
-Zack Brown Concert.
-Valentine's Day.
-Wife's Birthday....
All within the next 30 days! I've committed to no alcohol, limited dairy, and clean protein/fruits/veggies/low GI carbs. I guess that's the challenge! to see how I do thru these parties and social events.

Time to cleanse, and give my body a chance to be the best its ever been.

Pictures and circumference measurements tonight.
Day 2 here we go!


Saturday, January 14, 2012

A Body Well Used...

A Geroge Carlin quote may seem like a strage place to start a post about getting fit and being healthy, but he said it best when he said "Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting 'holy s** ....what a ride!!!"

That's right! USE YOUR BODY! I'm not talking about using your liver to detox from over a night out, nor am I talking about using your thumb to change channels on the remote. I'm talking about getting up, getting busy with USING YOUR BODY everyday! Do the things that matter to you; do the adventures, even the little ones like walking instead of driving. Biking instead of hitting the treadmill. Hike instead of sitting on the beach.

Take Kari Kardio's 30 day challenge as an opportunity to do a new adventure. Show up to the pearly gates knowing that you used your body to it's fullest.

Stay tuned for more updates as I progress thru the challenge. I will post pics, measurements, experiences, and challenges, and I welcome all to contribute and fill in their experiences as well. Make it FUN. Get BUSY. MOVE YOUR MASS!

Lots have registered and committed to the Kari Kardio 30 day-challenge! What can you accomplish with changing your body in 30 days? I am excited to commit to the challenge as well! Lets do this together. So many people have registered that I want to join the fun!

If I win, I will dontate the winnings to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Walk to Cure Diabetes. ... Invite your friends, family, and even perfect strangers to register by Friday.

It is $20 entry fee, and you have my promise that it will be a worthwhile experience! You will feel the accountability, you will know what your goal is and during the month, you will have access to the resources you need to set up a plan and achieve that goal!

Sign up today! 239-410-6157