Monday, April 26, 2010

Ron: No Carb diet? Seriously?

Have you ever heard of a NO FAT diet? What would be your first thought if your doctor or wellness expert said "I want you on a NO FAT diet" or "we're going to scale waaaay back on your protein intake." You would probably object, I imagine. So the question begs, why do we insist on cutting back on carbs?

We've all heard of Trans Fats, right? And we all avoid them like the plague. So some are GOOD fats (had your Omega III today?) that we actually supplement. Some are BAD fats and we do our best to ensure we stay away.

So the logic follows that there are some carbs that are GOOD and some that are BAD. There is a spectrum of carbohydrates that span from something horrible like High-Fructose Corn Syrup all the way to Insoluble Fiber (i.e. the Glycemic Index)

The methodology behind the "Low Carb/No Carb" craze is that if you cut out all carbs, there is no possibility of taking in the bad ones. And substituting for Low Carb food usually just means that they have added Fat (protein adds too much to the cost) OR they've added artificial sweeteners, and that, my friends, is a whole other blog subject.

So, the moral of the story (and more to come!) is that you should choose your carbohydrates more towards the end of the spectrum that contains fiber/complex carbohydrates instead of cutting back or cutting off your body from carbohydrates.

Cheers for now!

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