What if the only thing exercise that I can do GUARANTEED everyday is walking. Would it be enough? When I start setting new goals of exercise and fitness challenges my next move is usually to acquire a schedule of classes at the local gym I so kindly donate my money too every month. Then I scroll through my collection of workout DVD's ranging from hardcore P90x to stress relieving yoga. Next step is to write it all out in a nice organized format. Then...dom dom doooom! Life. Gotta pick up Sam early, work got busy, ran out of socks so time to do laundry, haven't seen the girls in a while- time to see them ....and on and on. There are so many days that I close my eyes and think "i wish there were more hours in the day"
Why is it that when life gets busy the first thing that goes on the back burner is our exercise and nutrition???? Its the foundation of everything we do. It battles stress better than anything out there, it releases endorphins so we just feel good, it makes our bodies shake and move so we take up less space, and it preserves our life for the future-- this should be the most important part of the day!
SO- I had to ask myself--realistically, what would I be willing to commit to everyday.
If I can do nothing else, I can walk. For 10 minutes or 60 minutes - I can find the time to put my body in motion. Happens to be the exact motion that we were designed to do!
So here we go! It will be fun to see how many miles I can accumulate in one year by at the bare minimum walking everyday.
Who's with me!?
"If I could walk 5,000 miles...." Sing along!!