Monday, May 24, 2010

"You can't fill a cup that is already full"

I love the movie Avatar. Call me cheesy if you must. I admit to it on occasion. It is one of my endearing qualities; just ask Rhiannon. :-) So your question logically follows; "Ron, what does Avatar have to do with Transitions Lifestyles? Or wellness?" Well, there was a quote in the movie that really struck me.

"You cannot fill a cup that is already full."

I realized that all too often, our brains are already filled up with "junk science", mis-information, or magic pills after years of diets, yo-yo body weight, calorie restriction, eat-only-meat-and-cheese diets, and the other things that pollute wellness and the idea of vibrant living.

Transitions Lifestyle System is different. It is unlike any other experience you will have. It will be the last attempt you make and taking control of your health!

We don't talk about your weight, we talk about your body composition.

We don't talk about calories, we talk about the glycemic index.

We don't talk about "no pain, no gain", we talk about happiness, every day, under all circumstances, no excuses!!

It is different. And new ideas require an open mind, or, in this case, an empty cup.



  1. It really is that simple!
    Love it!
    And yes, you are that cheesy ;)

  2. Following a health plan instead of a diet plan is the wave of the future for eveyone and not just people with self enflicted weight issues. I can not wait to tell my friends. Thank you so much for what you are doing for me and my family.

