Monday, May 24, 2010

"You can't fill a cup that is already full"

I love the movie Avatar. Call me cheesy if you must. I admit to it on occasion. It is one of my endearing qualities; just ask Rhiannon. :-) So your question logically follows; "Ron, what does Avatar have to do with Transitions Lifestyles? Or wellness?" Well, there was a quote in the movie that really struck me.

"You cannot fill a cup that is already full."

I realized that all too often, our brains are already filled up with "junk science", mis-information, or magic pills after years of diets, yo-yo body weight, calorie restriction, eat-only-meat-and-cheese diets, and the other things that pollute wellness and the idea of vibrant living.

Transitions Lifestyle System is different. It is unlike any other experience you will have. It will be the last attempt you make and taking control of your health!

We don't talk about your weight, we talk about your body composition.

We don't talk about calories, we talk about the glycemic index.

We don't talk about "no pain, no gain", we talk about happiness, every day, under all circumstances, no excuses!!

It is different. And new ideas require an open mind, or, in this case, an empty cup.


Monday, May 17, 2010

For the guys - a note on calorie restriction.


Imagine a big block engine. We'll say a hemi. You are the throttle man. And you are really excited to see what this engine can do! Red line it; push it to the limit! With an eye-dropper?

That's right, you are handed an eye dropper with a tablespoon of fuel. Not going to get that engine fired up, is it...

So take this logic and apply it to your fitness goals. You are putting in the hours at the gym. You are logging the miles. You are mixing up your routine and attempting to remain anonymous in the back corner of aerobics classes because you heard it may help you trim down. You are even cutting back and taking in smaller portions and cutting out some beers, because; well, that's just what you're supposed to do. Right?

No results? You are trying to feed your "hemi" with an "eyedropper"!!

It's not about quantity, it's about quality.

Choose quality foods! The key is NOT always to cut back on calories. The key is to choose quality foods, in particular, quality carbohydrates. Want to learn how to choose the best carbohydrates without points, scales, slide rules, or calculators? Learn the Transitions Lifestyle!

You will never go hungry. You will pour in the quality fuel and have that "engine" running hot. Put the pedal to the metal guys!

Check out our weekly webinars to learn more. For upcoming dates, email

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Time is on our side, yes it is!

"You have that Aha! moment when you say, "I need to lose weight... I need to make more money... I need to become a better person... or whatever." But you have to schedule time in your life to make it happen -- either time you're not using properly or time that you have to take away from something else you're doing" ~ Bob Cox
What are YOU willing to make time for in your life??
I have given up Greys Anatomy on Thursday nights to build my business and focus on TLS Shape Up.
Tell me yours.....

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Lets save our kids so they can save us :)

Children are becoming obese at a rapidly rising rate. Transitions TLS Shape Up is changing lives. A comprehensive program THAT ACTUALLY WORKS!!! If you know a child we can help, please notify us. It will be the best gift you can provide.
This program is nothing short of the miracle that I have been praying for. Check it out, feel the power and lets save some lives---shoot LETS SAVE THE WORLD!

Monday, May 3, 2010

10,000 years ago!!!

Disclaimer: I'm no evolutionary archaeologist, so just imagine for now that we're painting a picture that is relatively true, and not 100% fact.

100% scientifically accurate? Maybe not.

Funny to imagine you and your entire family following a herd of buffalo wearing loin cloths and digging for roots and eating berries and nuts...? Absolutely! And that is just it! Paint that picture in your minds, and you will begin to have an idea of the way our bodies are "meant" to take in food. I'm sure you've heard the trendy gym-goer's advice to "eat a small meal every 2 hours; 6 meals per day. I would agree. I'm sure you've also heard, and certainly from the Ultimate Transition, to eat complex carbs and plenty of fruits and veggies. Agreed. But why? Did you ever stop to ask why? Well I won't bore you with the physiological details on this one, but instead lets get back to the "painting" of ancestors.

As you roam the open plains, food is abundant, and you spend your days largely in search of food. Typically, women would gather edible plants and herbs, while men would hunt, preferably for large game, but any protein source was welcomed. Food is abundant, and you would probably eat something like 15-20 "meals" per day. Constant energy output (no computer nor TV to build a sedentary lifestyle), so constant energy intake is needed.

10,000 years BC Scenario: You lose the heard in the dead of winter. You have very little food. THIS IS WHY OUR BODIES STORE FAT!! You are low on food, your body is cued to store fat. THANK GOODNESS! It is a protective mechanism against those periods of time when we need a stored form of energy! YAHOOO!! How intelligent in design! How fantastic are those bodies to design a backup plan!

So the takeaway from our example is that while you are walking, searching for food, and using energy to stay warm, that your blood sugar levels drop!! When they drop you store body fat.

MODERN DAY: You eat simple carbohydrates. Doesn't matter what, just say M&Ms for now. Your blood sugar levels shoot up! BRRRAAAAHHHHHAAAAHH!!!! Feeling good! Burst of energy! Then what..........

Crash!! You could go for that all elusive power nap, right? Close the office door and set your cell phone alarm for 15 mins out in the hopes of getting your head straight. This means that your blood sugar levels have dropped!

So, just like our ancestors of the plains, your blood sugar levels have dropped.

Your body does not know how your blood sugar levels got so low. What it does know is that when your blood sugar levels drop, it is supposed to store fat.

Eat LOW GI carbohydrates. Choose natural foods when possible. Live well.

The End.

The Glycemic Index <-- Learn about this!!

Here comes Ron with some fancy science lingo.....

To elaborate, as promised, on a previous blog about "No Carb Diets", lets take a more in depth look at the Glycemic Index.

For starters, it is the foundation of the Transitions Lifestyle! The objective of the Glycemic Index (GI for now) is to provide a guide to always direct your decisions about food to the "complex" or fiber-ous end of the carbohydrate spectrum. I know you're thinking about "cardboard," but trust me, there are some amazingly delicious meals out there that get fiber into your body!!

As you may know, a food that contains the "simple" carbohydrates like sugar and white flour, causes the blood sugar levels to spike which leads you to a fat-storage-mode (read posting "10,000 yrs ago"). So for now, suffice to say that if you eat junky carbs, your body will attempt to store food consumed soon before or after those carbs as fat. Even if it's broccoli. Yep, you read that correctly! Eat junky carbs = cue your body to store the energy from broccoli as body fat. Weird, huh? Imagine for moment that I'm right, and that what I'm telling you is honoring the science of the body. Would it then be possible to understand how so many are overweight/obese?

The GI serves as our guide for getting through all of the meals, lunches, muffins, desserts, pastas and breads of the world. Any food that contains carbohydrates has a ranking on the GI. At the bottom end (Low GI foods) you have insoluble fiber, most veggies, and foods containing solid and hearty complex carbohydrate foods. On the high end of the GI (High GI foods) you have the evilness of High-Fructose Corn Syrup, table sugar, white flour among others (you get the idea).

As I mentioned, all foods that contain carbohydrates fall somewhere on that spectrum as they relate to the impact that eating that food has on your body's blood sugar level. The lower the GI, the less impact on your blood sugar; and the higher the GI, the higher your blood sugar (think room full of 5-year olds on birthday cake). After consuming a high GI food, your body releases insulin. We've all heard about it, and fortunately for you, a degree in Endocrinology is not necessary to understand the function of insulin.

High GI carbs in your mouth? Your insulin goes up.
Insulin takes sugar out of the blood and puts it into muscle.
This leads to sugar levels going too low. (Ahhhh the beloved sugar crash; followed immediately by an insatiable desire to consume even MORE of said sugary sugar sugar suuuggaarrrrr!!!)
See the beginning of a cycle?

Remember from reading post "10,000 years ago"?! When blood sugar goes too low, you STORE FAT!!

TAKE HOME: Eat HIGH GI foods all day, enter into a cycle of fat storage. Eat LOW GI foods, keep your body in fat burn mode. Simple enough?

Stay tuned for our upcoming WEBINARS and posts as we will get into how you can approximate the GI ranking of a food by looking at the label. It's quick and easy! Remember, this is the foundation of the Transitions Lifestyle system. It is a course in making the best decisions about food, and whether you are looking to lose a few pounds, or you're looking to fuel your body for competitive sport, you will benefit from living the Transitions Lifestyle!