Friday, July 16, 2010

Every Dollar is a Vote.

Politics? I'm not so big on politics. But I am big on voting. I vote almost every day. I vote when I purchase locally grown produce. I vote when I purchase organic foods. I vote when I support locally owned stores and restaurants. I vote when I don't buy gas from BP. I vote when I purchase a product that is eco-friendly. I vote when I do those silly little energy savers that are passed around in chain emails. I vote when I turn off the TV.

How can we live in a world that is stuck between consumerism and sustainability? That answer is simple. Everyday, understand that how you spend your money counts toward the kind of products and services that are in demand. I believe that it is possible to exist in a world that is comfortable, convenient, joyous, and limitless without the pillaging of natural resources. Vote (spend!!) and demand that local produce suppliers who practice organic and sustainable agriculture remain profitable.

We are at a tipping point in our global history. The challenge we face is that in every example I can think of, it is more challenging, more expensive, and takes longer to choose the sustainable and earth-friendly option. Ever been to your local landfill? You will see very quickly how necessary sustainable and renewable technologies are in need!

As a consumer, your vote counts. Your vote happens every time you make a purchase, or choose not to make a purchase. It is no mistake that every business operates to earn a profit. So the practices of that business answer to the owners/shareholders. The unfortunate truth is that most will pillage any resource in the name of preserving the bottom line. The Fortunate truth is that in the end, they answer to the consumer; you and I, and how we spend our dollars. You are saying no to Big Agriculture and widespread use of pesticides when you buy from a local farmer. You honor the very origin of your human body when you eat fresh seasonal produce. You say no to Big Beef and Pork when you purchase from a local farmer/rancher or meat supplier. You say no to Big Oil when you purchase a Hybrid, or ride your bike.

Use your vote to support the industries and companies that are willing to go out on that limb and charge a bit more for their product or service in the name of being sustainable. With an ounce of faith, you have to believe that we will shift the balance toward "Big" not being synonymous with "Bad". Tell the shareholders that we want them to invest in solar energy, green-packaging, organic products, hybrid technology, waste reduction, recycling/reuse advancements, and goodness.

It's not about being an earth muffin or tree hugger. It's about preservation in this lifetime. It's about changing the world with your daily vote.

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